If What if....

...was what the present was then it wouldn't be a what if. So why do we dwell on the "what ifs"?

What does "what if"do for us? NOTHING...

Don't be afraid to be hurt again for thru pain we learn and grown thru the experience so let go promise you will feel better....

Sometimes as a woman we sit and dwell on what happened in our past with our other lovers. And for what? We cant change it. We cant adjust the past we can only move forward from it...

Everything little thing he does bugs you or you think that everything is directed to you. Truth is sometimes it is but mostly its not. See if he is the one who hurt you or broke it off then its rare that his thoughts travel back to you unless he, himself is in denial and knows he should have never let you go.

But even in that the reality is that he DID let you go so don't say "what if" say "whats next"...

So like Jay-Z says, "I'm on to the next one...."

Life is too short to be filled with pain and grief of a past love, love the ones who love you back and forget the ones who don't. I'm Just Saying....


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