
I know there are some women out there that swear they hate other women and that they have NO female friends...

Well here is my take on it:

Every woman needs a "girlfriend" a female friend who is there with them, some one they can bond with, some one who can provide a "ladies night" with....

Men and women can be friends but there is nothing like a sister to sister bond...

I love the friends that I have, the talks we have, the ladies nights we have, the time that we just sit and give advice to each other, the time where console each other when times are bad and everything that falls in between that....

There are things that only a women can bring to a friendship that a man can not and vice versa...

Sometimes I just need my girls....

And I enjoy the fact that my girlfriends have been in my life for so long and "No Homo" but I hope that we grow old with each


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