Diary Post #3

Soooo about a month ago I took a very important test that will determine the rest of my life....

Back in July I took the Praxis exam which is an exam that will certify me as a teacher in my content area which is middle school science....

I am getting closer and closer to achieving the goals that I have set for myself...

I looked at my results and I passed!!!!! I know right?! Yay for me....I had to dance in my chair and do a fist pump Jersey Shore style in excitement....

Some of it was because I hadn't studied as much as I could have so I know that if I take the exam again I will do even better on the exam...

Now I need to finish strong these next two semester and kick butt during student teaching so that I can become a great teacher and provide some positivity in to youth of my community...

I just want to show these kids that there is something out there for them....


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