
As I sit here watching shows like "Eve", "Half & Half",and "Girlfriends", I imagine and fantasize about what I want my life to be like....

I want to be just as successful as some of these women are on these shows, you know the house, the cars, the friends, etc...

I want to go to a job that I love everyday and come home to a house that I call my own and decorated the way I want it to be...

Its crazy how I use TV shows as inspiration and motivation that my dreams can and will come true. I truly enjoy shows that celebrate successful African Americans because it shows our youth that they can go after and have whatever they want in life if they work hard and I am all about uplifting our youth and helping them want more for themselves....

Guess we all find inspiration from somewhere even in the odd places...

TV shows can provide style tips as well, want to know whats hot? Just look at TV they are usually wearing the newest trends....

The purpose this little rant is you can find inspiration from anywhere and never be afraid to use it because believe it or not I will have that life I see on the TV screen, why not aim for it?! I can have whatever I want....


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