
I try my best not to let small and trivial things get to me BUT I am human and at my job I work with well paid, doctors, nurses and pharmacists....

NOW with that being said I live in a state that is VERY conservative and republican so they are not fans of Obama which is fine BUT here is where it annoys me....

FIRST off it is NOT appropriate to talk politics in the work place when you are unaware of what every one's beliefs are. People get emotional when they have these talks so is not in any one's best interest to start a debate and/or argument over something that has NOTHING to do with your job.

Listen you do NOT have to like Obama but I DO and I see that he is I do not trust any politician but I think that he is trying....

The problem is unlike other presidents he tries to live a normal life with his family. His daughters are younger then any other children that have been in the White House in such a LONG time so what is SOOOOOOOOO wrong with them vacationing? I'm sure he still works while on vacation....

I really wish the people here would just drop the jokes because I am pretty much tired of the jokes and quite frankly it makes me feel uncomfortable but I am NOT sure if I should speak up or not because the primary person is PRN and I hardly ever see them BUT yet in still that does NOT make it right....

I REFUSE to talk politics at work because it is just very unprofessional and personal opinions should be talked about on you lunch break and NOT in the work area....Its just not my thing....

*whew* got that off my chest

I just feel like you don't have to like him, and you didn't have to vote for him BUT please respect other people for not everyone has the same ideas and/or thoughts as you.

RESPECT is the proper word for this and this person does NOT have that and with that I AM ANNOYED....

*starting to feel better*

P.S. I like Obama AND I voted for him and you don't have to like that but it is what I wanted to do.....

That is all


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