A Dream Deferred

When I was little all I wanted to do was become a Pediatrician, went thru middle school and high school with the same idea that I would one day would be a doctor and take care of children....

When I got to college I still had hope then I shadowed a physical therapist and fell in love with that profession but I still wanted to work with children in rehabilitation setting....

Then I graduated and my grades were not where I wanted them to be to apply to a graduate school for a doctorate program so I felt like a freshmen in college not truly knowing what I wanted to do with my life upon graduating....

Suddenly I didn't know what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go....
It took me a year and a half to be able to FINALLY figure out what I wanted to do with my life, where I wanted to go next....

Coaching cheerleading help me make decision, it reiterated how much I love to teach children things and then I decided to mix my love of teaching and my love of science and decided to become a middle school science teacher so that I can have both things that I love at the same time....

Although life does not go as you planned it, it does happen in the best way for you. For God has a plan for you so make the best of life....

So although my dream has changed I am still going to be doing what I love and you should too.....


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