Follow The...

....Directions to get to good love "you gonna make a left on Touching Blvd, when you see Kissing Street make a right keep straight and that will run you into Good Love..."
Looking for love?
There is so many rules, games, policies, guidelines, procedures, and directions when it comes to falling in love...
I say keep it simple, don't over think it, follow your first mind when making a decision of the heart and that my dear will run you into good love...
Falling in love is easy, falling out of love is the hard part...
There shouldn't be all these procedures to fall for someone just fall and if you get hurt, get up, shake it off and learn from it....
They say falling in love is easy and that it is the staying in love is what counts the most, so if is worth it fight to stay in love....
I look at love and dating in a rather unconventional way...I choose not follow all the rules but to simply follow my heart whether I get hurt or not I have learned something from the situation...
I mean if you are REALLY feeling someone when you first meet them why do you have to wait days before you contact them? To me that has the other person thinking that you are NOT interested, or why do they say who ever texts first look desperate? How? What if the other person is thinking about you just as much as you are thinking of them?!
Go for it, give it a shot....remember all wounds heal, even those of the heart...
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