Oldie but Goodie

(((Disclaimer: Thoughts from my Myspace Days lol )))

Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Just Thinking.... Current mood: lonely

Well this is a new thing for me I dont usually tell how I feel over the net but what the hey what can I lose?! Normally I just turn to Crystal and say....."I got something on my chest..." (lol) But NE wayz the main thing that is bothering me is that I get lonely sometimes. I mean dont get it twisted I have dudes to call but most of them I would rather to not be bothered with them as bad as that sounds...lol All I do is work and go to school and lil activities on the side like take my self to the movies or put together a scrap book or read a book. It's crazy cause all the dudes say how pretty I am and how I would make someone happy but yet in still I'm goin on 4yrs of being lonely. Maybe its my fault cause I'm picky but I dont think that I should have to settle for just anyone. I want to be in love and married one day and I just dont want to settle for just nigga off the street. Ya know? Is anyone feeling me? Oh well if you're not...anyway this blog really has no meaning I was just sittin the library thinking and decided to get it off my chest. Man I feel better already...lol :) Oh by the way I am so SICK AND TIRED of dudes that have girlfriends tryin to hit on me of you are not happy leave her, I am NOT a homewrecker. Never have never will be cause I wouldnt want someone to do that to me and cause truthfully I dont think I have balls to do it...lol Any way Peace, Love, and Soul....I'm out!!! ~

(((Disclaimer: Im NOT this lonely anymore lol)))


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