Are you Proud?

Of your heritage? Where you came from? I AM!!!

I am PROUD to be a little mixed baby :) I am proud to have been raised by the black side of my family and I am proud to have been poor.

I am proud that I had to struggle and learn to make my own way in life
I am proud that I was homeless
I am proud that I practically lived through every depressing moment of my life....

I hate when people who may or may not know any better try to belittle some one of a difference race or stereotype people because they are different from you.

Yes it is frustrating to hear people say things like "I don't go to the ghetto" or "That's hood" or "All black people are great athletes" etc....

You have never been to the ghetto so how do you know what "ghetto" is? And why is it scary? My car has never been stolen, I've never been beat up, I don't do drugs or whatever else people think happens in the hood....

Bad things can happen anywhere so why stereotype one particular area?

I enjoy where I am came from, I LOVE being half black, I am proud that I get to celebrate more then one culture, and I happy to be able to enjoy what God has blessed me with so why don't you?

Be proud and don't apologize for where you came from....


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