
Someone please explain to me why men who are in relationships still go after single women? If you want to be a player then be single but dont hurt multiple women at one time thats not okay at all. I have been on both ends of that spectrum and it doesnt feel good at all for no party involved. I have been hurt so much that I am at a point in my life where I am ready to give up on love. Clearly I keep doing something wrong whether its dating the wrong guys or something that I am doing that pushes them away. I am at the point where I think I will be single forever. Having a degree in Biology I know that we were not made to be alone we were made in pairs and being a Christian I know that man is not made to be alone but the world is so corrupt and so many people get off on hurting others that there will be more single then there will be couples and honestly that is just sad. I use to have this glimmer of hope that one day my Prince Charming would come and heal my heart but instead I keep getting those who want to use me. Maybe I am too nice of a person. Life goes on and so will I. If I have to live my life alone then that is what I will do. My friends call me a hopeless romantic but that part of me is slowly dying...Maybe I listen to, too many love songs where I imagine myself finding the love that that sing about, now reality is setting in. I have went over all the reasons in my head as to why a guy may not want to date me and none of them have added up to a real valuable reason. So here it is I am giving up on LOVE. I have friends who have not appreciated good men and over looked their nice gestures as being soft. I am almost 25 and I have never recieved flowers or had a Valentine. I have recieved ONE birthday gift from a guy however, and ONE christmas gift both while I was in high school. And EVEN then I wasnt appreciated as a good woman. Its weird because all my male friends say that I am such a good woman. SMH, I am just venting today was a ROUGH day for me....until next time be blessed. *~oNeLoVe~*


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