Oldie but Goodie #2

(((Disclaimer: Myspace Blog...)))

Friday, October 12, 2007
When you fall down get back up again!! Current mood:Blessed

What does it mean to gain the material world but have nothing to look foward to in the afterlife? So what if you do not wear name brand clothes, who cares if your car is not the best....why does all this stuff mean so much to us that we dont even care where we go once we die. Can you take it with you? Nope, not one single thing. But what you can take with you is your soul. Is your soul right with God? I know mine is not and I know I have strayed away and I am trying hard to find my way back to the Lord. I had to learn the hard way. My faith has been watered down and that is why things have not been the best for me. I know that my life will not be perfect but I know it could be better if I would just give my life to the Lord. I am struggling to see the light at the end of the tunnel but I know that it is there and I know that I can reach it. I have scared myself with some of my thoughts and with the Lord's help things will get better for me. I am a true believer that all the things that I have accomplished I would not have been able to do with out the Lord even when I was one of little faith. But you guys out there just continue to Pray for me and I'll pray for you and just watch the Blessings come rolling in. Stop blocking your Blessings like I did. Let the Lord use you. Dont be ashamed or embarrased to Praise the Lord to your full potential.


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