Some of my Favorite Quotes

Just a few quotes that I enjoy some from books I read and others inspirational...

"Faith is taking the first step even when you dont see the whole staircase." -MLK

"Let no man pull you low enough to hate him." -MLK

"Our live begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." -MLK

"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools." -MLK

"The fact is, sometimes is hard to walk in a single woman's shoes. Thats why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun." -Jenny Bicks (Sex and the City, Woman's Right to Shoes 2003)

"...eating a grape Popsicle that tastes kind of like frozen lamb chops. There was no expiration date on the wrapper. Frozen water with imitation flavoring and colors never go bad, but they do start to absorb their surroundings-just like the rest of us." -Jill A Davis (Ask Again Later)

"Lost people just want a way out; they'll follow any foolish trail" -Jill A Davis (Ask Again later)

"How often do you get a second chance? Everyday. How often do you take the second chance? Almost never." -Jill A Davis (Ask Again Later)

"Who needs a map when there's only one passable road to the future? When you're headed in the only direction that makes an sense at all to you? You dont need a map to find your home. Life is a selfish pursuit. You tend to your own little corner of the world and hope your conscience keeps you in check." -Jill A Davis (Ask Again Later)

"I felt like the women men avoided in public, but could tolerate enough to use for their own selfish nees. I felt like a urinal, just another place for men to dangle their d*cks. I didnt know what was so wrong with me that only Rhoda could see the beauty in me on an ongoing basis." -Mary Monroe (God Still Dont Like Ugly)


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