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Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Just Thinking Part 2 Current mood:Pondering on life

Where do I start....I truly think my future husband is in another state cause the guys in meet in missouri are hella young or hella old, my age and have a maturity level of a ten year old, have a girl, or they are really nice and sweet to me and I am in no way shape or form attracted to them...that sucks but oh well....I'll only be here for three more years tops...lol Just had to get that off my chest....ya know and people keep sayin well if u stop lookin then love will find u but the thing is that I'm not lookin. I dont go out lookin for love it just gets lonely sometimes.....ya know? Almost 4 yrs without a constant love kinda sucks....never felt love, never felt the same feelings between two people. I either like them alot and they dont like me alot or vice versa. Oh well, I'll stop boring you guys with the dilemas inside my twisted lil mind...lol Goodnight Peoples!!! :)


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