I feel like Superwoman

Another old note from Facebook.....

A moment of reflection:
Nothing big just sitting at work listening to my usual slow music and thinking about a little bit of everything...

Sometimes I feel like Superwoman...
Two Jobs
Four Different Volunteer Projects
Two Committees at one of the jobs
Starting this whole process of working out
Applying for schools all over again
Looking for another car
Trying to make time for all the important people in my life
Reading when I can
Partying when I can
and Sleeping almost never

So the questions is: Why dont I feel burnt out?! I dont know...

What I do know is that every chance I get I thank the Lord and send the praises up to him cause with out I would be NOTHING but that is NOT enough....how can I make time for all of the above but not for CHURCH, not for BIBLE STUDY, not for advancing my growth as a CHRISTIAN, and definately not finding a CHURCH HOME....

I look at all goals and accomplishments that I have made for myself with God but yet I feel its not enough I am never satisfied, I am never content with the level I am at in my life I WANT MORE....

How do I get there?

I want so bad to make all my friends happy but what about me....I seem pretty happy but I am not where I need nor want to be...

My friends are my family when my family wants to act like they dont know me so to make them happy makes me happy but not competely it is a temporary fix....almost like a drug addict I will need some more happiness soon lol who is gonna give me my fix?!

If good guys finish last then where and when do good girls finish? Why do I constantly get the short end of the stick wtih men when so many girls dont even appreciate what they have?! Why do i get the men that have been mistreated so badly that by the time they get to me they dont want to do anything nice for another female?!

Where is my Prince Charming or my Edward from Twilight?
When is my love going to be enough for a man?

I dont know, right now I am good on men I have been done wrong and used so many times I am surprised that I am NOT HEARTLESS and still willing to give someone else a try...

Am I CRAZY?! Sometimes I think so but then I realize that I am just SUPERWOMAN...God made me this way for a reason...he gave me a strong and very forgiving HEARTWHY? Has to be a reason behind it...maybe only God knows..I am not sure but what I do know...is when he finds me I WILL BE the perfect WIFE for that special man.

Its funny how so many pass me by to later realized what they LOST in ME, going back to the same ex's, Baby momma's, and crushes that did them wrong in the first place to ONLY be hurt again and CALL me to try and HEAL their wounds and try again with me....Nah I'm not that ONE...once I close you out and consider you a friend again thats pretty much where you stay...

It takes a whole lot to bring u back...

I know it seems that I have gotten off track on this note but I havent...


Maybe, right now I am fixing me and going thru the process I spoke on above...

The one who gets me will be lucky...not to **toot** my own horn but I am the full package:
Sexy (yes there is a difeerence between the two)
Independent yet Dependent
A Christian
Goal Oriented
Loves Family
Loves Kids
Keeps her house clean
Huge Heart
Can Cook etc...the list could go on and on

Feel free to comment if you would like I am just sitting here thinkng...I am the tru definition of a Hopeless Romantic, I am who Boosie and 'em rap about in Independent Woman, and I am the WOMAN that Ne-Yo and Jamie Foxx sing about in She Got Her Own...I can help you get YOUR OWN as well

I will end on this:

As Beyonce said: "Let me UPGARDE YOU!!!"


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