Todays Thought

Well today I have just been pondering why so many people look past the good person and find the smallest flaw in the person that treats you right but continues to allow the 'BAD" people to hurt you. WHY?

Why do we allow that to happen in our lives?


Ponder that for a second....


  1. Been busy all weekend so I finally got around to getting on my blog and reading up on your latest updates.
    I came across this question and found it to be very interesting and oh so true!
    I think, in my opinion, that we sometimes get 'spoiled' and/or 'too comfortable' by/with those who do good to us and wind up finding it necessary to nitpick at them.
    I have done the exact same thing presented in the scenario more than a time or two. And truthfully (and sadly) I find that I did it simply..because I can.
    I guess, going back to the 'too comfortable' comment earlier, when we get to that certain level of comfortability with someone (anyone really but of course, the opposite sex in particular) we start to subconsciously get 'bored' (or I suppose 'used to' can also be used in place of bored) with all the good that they do to us. And this boredom clearly leads up to nothing good because at that point we start to seek for the one thing (as you said) that is wrong with the person and when we find it, we dwell on it and make it the biggest deal in the world.
    On the other hand, speaking personally from an experience, when it comes to those who treat us wrongly, we don't have time to be bored with them because they are constantly throwing us curve balls which are keeping us on our toes. What happens though, amidst all the bad treatment, is that we constantly wind up giving excuses for their behavior because secretly we are hoping that one day they will "change" and some "good" will come out of them. We stick around (granted, for a lot longer than we should or they deserve) hanging onto that hope.
    Well, I've rambled on a while...just wanted to pitch in my two cents! :-)
    Hope you had a wonderful weekend!!


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