Shattered Dreams

For me the concept of love has been something like a shattered dream. My upbringing was not the most conventional one and for that I have always longed for love and sometimes I looked in the wrong places...
I never and still don't get the love that I desire from my family. I am what my friends call a hopeless romantic...BUT on the flip side I try not to just settle. I refuse to call every man I go on a date with my boyfriend. I am not dependent lol. I want who I call my boyfriend to be the one who gives me butterflies...the one who every time we kiss I get weak. The one who when I look into his eyes I can look past all his flaws....
And that is why I am single.
Now how is this my shattered dream you say? Well, Love has yet to love me back the way that I would like for it too...
So until further notice I am on a "Love Hiatus" catch me capturing my dreams love shall come after
I hope....
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