Changing Cheaters...

Q:How many of you believe once a cheater always a cheater? Or can people change?
A:*It depends on the person
*Its a people can change IF and WHEN they feel the need to
*Once a cheater still a cheater now you are a smarter cheater
*People can change if and when they want
*I think people can change, just give that person a chance to prove him or herself
Q:Men:If you cheat on one girls will you cheat on the next?!
A: *Bullsh*t
*That's not true
*I say No! But I do think if you cheat on your girl once you'll do it again
*I think it depends on the man and the woman....some women make a man want to cheat the same way some men make women cheat. A man can and will settle down when and if they ever find that woman to make them want to
Q: Do you judge people by their past or provide them with a clean slate?
A: *It all depends on the past! And further more who you dealing with!
*People change everyday if the person was bad in the past their conscious will kill them and change them
*Honestly, I judge intent...Past is exactly what it is...but if I see you falling from what you say your intention is...and lean towards the past....Then it is what it is....
Here is my take on all this...I feel like people can change but the trick is to NOT give them chance after chance after many times does a person need to mess up before they learn their lesson...
I know and have seen people change and currently I am dealing with whether or not someone in my life has truly changed in respect to me and our friendship....We shall see....
Its tough to just give a clear cut yes or no on these questions because every situation is different and every individual is different....
Nothing in life is just black and white...there will always be a gray area...
Sometimes I just sit back and wish that I could read other people's minds....
To trust or NOT to trust...THAT is the question...
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