Sometimes I Cry....

Every now and again when life seems to be a bit much a good cry is a good thing...
My mom gets so frustrated with me when I cry but like I told her crying helps me to release my anger. The way she releases her anger is in a much more aggressive manner and that is just not one of my mannerisms....
She sees it as a sign of weakness, BUT I see it as a sign of strength....
How many people are afraid to cry in front of others?! ALOT!!! I know right?! Why? Because they feel like someone is judging them or they feel vulnerable....
But see crying doesn't always mean you are letting your guard down sometimes those tears are building a wall. A fortress that will fan away any other pain that may come your way....
See there is two sides to every story so don't just assume because someone is crying that they must be weak because I tell you what: I am one of the strongest person out in this world. If people went through HALF of what I have been through in my 25 years on this Earth they would probably be in a straight-jacket....
You want to know who I have to thank? My tears they have been an outlet for me and allowed me to grow and become stronger...
So NOT matter what others may think of my I am going to CONTINUE to cry when I am upset or frustrated because it helps ME and that's all that matters....
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