Got Some Venting To Do...Diary Post #5

I have been away for a little while and I apologize for that...

So here goes nothing...

I have been going through a lot and now I need to get my thoughts out in my version of "Pen and Paper.."

I looked up a past love on Facebook recently and I am not sure that was the best move for me. I thought I was over him, over it but I was SADLY mistaken...

As soon as the door was open those feelings came rushing back like nothing had ever happened. And then I got slapped in the face with some news I'm not sure I wanted to hear because to be quite honest I got a little jealous and really had no reason to. Sad huh?

And as I sit here and write you "Last Time" by Trey Songz comes on my play list and makes me think of this person....*chuckles inside* this whole situation is just a strange one but as I sit here and wonder if this 3rd encounter of us coming back into each others lives is a sign of something more I cant help but to think we are just meant to be friends. You see he is in a relationship and lives in another states which leaves me single as I always am...

But you know what just like Brian McKnight said in "One Last Cry"...." I gotta put you outta my mind for the very last time...wish all my feelings were gone gotta get over you nothing left for me to do..." So with that I have nothing left to do but move on and although I may never get closure at least now I have an explanation from the last go-round...

Now off of the love tip lol I have been crazy busy with school, cheer and work. One more month of going hard and then it dies down for a little after November...

I promise to start writing more. I need this blog because it helps me to release my thoughts and not be judge which I am totally ok with and hopefully maybe what I say reaches someone and if so then that makes me happy...

On to the next one....


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