Face to Face

If this is the case then why have we allowed technology to take over the most important way to communicate which is FACE TO FACE....
A text, call, email, BBM, instant message, skyping, tweeting, blogging, facebook status, DM or any other form of social networking tool can provide you with the true and raw emotion that you receive from a face to face conversation.
Phone calls and skype is probably the closest you will get to a face to face conversation BUT text messages has even taken away from that...
Now-a-days you have more and more people who are afraid to talk to you in person but not afraid to talk to you all day long in a chat room lol
Mind boggling right? It is to me. I miss the days where I would just sit on the phone with my "boo" all night and falling asleep on him because we have been on the phone for so long
Just being cuddled up with my"boo" is even better then being on the phone because I can use all 5 of my senses to appreciate the moment with him.
Hearing someone sincere say "I LOVE YOU" and reading it can provide two totally different feelings and I tell you what in person, face to face, is an indescribable feeling....
I think we need to find a way to get back to the basics, back to face to face...
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