Dude Looks Like A Lady


Women being the bread winner.....hhhhmmmm what do I think?!

Well here goes nothing:

I think it depends on the couple....If the man wants to stay home and take care of the kids why not let him? I mean seriously women always complain about men not being fathers to their children even when they are married to the man saying "he is always at work, he doesn't even know what his kids are in to."

Well you try and be the bread winner and see how difficult of a job it may or may not be.

I am old school, straight up traditional so I plan for who ever I marry to be prepared for me to be on maternity leave lol

I'm just saying if that couple is ok with the roles being reversed then what is it to you? Does the way they run their household effect you? And if it does please tell me how so I can know lol

If they are happy let them be happy...Its not my business to judge...

That is all


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