You Cant

...Make people do things that they do not want to do...

Sometimes people lie to you and there is nothing you can do about it...
You cant change them, that is something they must do on their own...

Yes, sometimes loved ones will let us down but we have to allow them to look at themselves to make changes...

It hurts but its not our duty nor is it in our power to change them
Our job is to love them and accept them and as hard as it maybe sometimes we have to realize that some of our loved ones need that tough love.

When they see that we no longer depend on them or get mad when they bail on us they will see some of the damage that they have done and the changes will begin if they have not already.

Be patient with them just as we would like them to be patient with us.

It is not an easy process but it is a process. So take it for what it is....


  1. thanks for visiting my site. you are welcomed to come back anytime! thanks hun <3


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