Just Cause Your In Tha Ghetto

Some songs can just truly touch you as well as speak on the "reality of life" that people refuse to see and continue to cover up. Its sad because it is 2010 and the lyrics to "Brenda's Got A Baby" by Tupac still hold true ....

"I hear Brenda's got a baby
Well, Brenda's barely got a brain
A damn shame, Tha girl can hardly spell her name (That's not her problem, that's up ta Brenda's family)
Well let me show ya how it affects tha whole community"

-So many people feel like other people's problem don't effect them because they are not a part of their family. Well guess what it can effect everyone. Its sad that our community is so willing to accept and cover up problems instead of trying to fix them. Why are we so afraid to snitch on people who have murdered our loved ones? What does that prove? Why are we afraid to consult the police and ask for help? It's not we are solving the problems on our own.

"Now Brenda never really never knew her moms and her dad was a junky
Went in debt up to his arms, it's sad
Cause I bet Brenda doesn't even know
Just cause your in tha ghetto doesn't mean ya can't grow
But oh, that's a thought, my own revelation
Do whatever it takes ta resist tha temptation"

-I grew up in a situation similar to this, both parents junkies, and the world seemed so cold and cruel but for some reason I was able too see that there was a way out. I focused on school because I knew there had to be more out there for me then the ghetto... I wish more people in this situation could see that as well. I just knew that being homeless, doing drugs, selling my body, or living in complete poverty was all that I was worth. I wanted more.

"She tried to hide her pregnancy, from her family
Who really didn't care to see, or give a damn if she
Went out and had a church of kids
As long as when tha check came they got first dibs
Now Brenda's belly is getting bigger
But no one seems ta notice any change in her figure
She's 12 years old and she's having a baby In love with tha molester, who's sexing her crazy
And yet she thinks that he'll be with her forever"

-Babies having babies is still running rampant these days. Where Grandmas are 30, Mothers are 15, and kids are 3...We don't have that old school wisdom helping us raise our children anymore and so many of these kids no longer have respect for anymore not even themselves. We live in a place where parents don't care how many kids their teenagers have as long as they get a check for it. This is how the people on welfare stay on welfare. The poor stay poor and the rich stay rich. We have to show these kids that there is more out there for them.

"Now Brenda's gotta make her own way
Can't go to her family, they won't let her stay
No money no babysitter, she couldn't keep a job
She tried ta sell crack, but end up getting robbed
So now what's next, there ain't nothin left ta sell
So she sees sex as a way of leavin hell
It's payin tha rent, so she really can't complain
Prostitute, found slang, and Brenda's her name, she's got a baby"

-Why do we turn away our kids when they need us the most? Don't turn your back on them, help them, and if you cant help them direct them to someone who can...We don't have to be "ghetto", "angry", "violent", "stupid" or whatever stereotypical notion society has placed upon us. Open a book and read it wont kill you. Find ways to expand your knowledge. Someone once said that, "If you want to hide something from a black person put it in a book." Don't let that quote hold any truth. We can have everything we want and then some if we work hard for it. Success is not all about how much your outfit or car cost if when you go to your bank account and you have zero dollars in it. What do you have to show for it? NOTHING...Be a mentor to our youth, teach them, show them, inspire them...

I hope that I reach youth now and once I start teaching. You don't have to settle in life can be whatever you want, be whatever you want, and do whatever you want. Your dreams are yours so capture them.

"Don't stop at the clouds, shoot for the stars and beyond..." -NoOtherRose


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