Success and Failure

What does it truly mean to be successful? Is it the cars? The money? Happiness? How many lovers you have? The house you live in?

What did you have to do to reach the level of success you are at?

Achieving success to me is reaching happiness...I am not saying that I have to be happy everyday because that is impossible but for me achieving my goals would be my happiness which equivalent to my success...

I want to get my Masters, I want to teach, I want to be married, I want to have kids, and I want to pay my credit cards off. And all of these things are in the works right now except the marriage and kids.

My success is NOT about the money, BUT my success will be based upon how hard I have worked to get to that point.

My little brother recently got his grade card and needless to say it was a complete disaster...and I was very disappointed. I have tried everything and nothing is working to reach him. I want him to have everything in life that he wants but he has an excuse for everything.

How do I get him to see how important his education is? How do I show him that he is falling into the stereotype that other races think of black people? Or the stereotype that he throws at black people himself? Its like he doesn't see how he is hurting himself.

He wants to go into the Marines which is a success within itself BUT I want him to see that, that is NOT his ONLY option.

Your success can only truly be measured by yourself. If you don't work hard then you will reap the results of someone who didn't work as hard, well unless your born into money and even then you may not feel successful cause you yourself did not earn. IF you work hard and keep it I am a firm believer that you can have whatever you want in life.

Make smart decisions and learn from the bad ones and everything will be how YOU want it. Life is about YOU so make it that way.


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