Pretty, Gorgeous, Beautiful, Cute, Sexy...

.....What does all that mean?

How do you define what makes someone, one of those names?

Is it her lips, her curves, her hips, her hair?

Is it how she dresses? Conservative or Sexy? Which do you prefer?

Is the upkeep of herself?

The way she walks? The way she talks?

Is it the confidence that she exudes? Her swagger?

For me I think that it is a mixture of everything. If you want to be considered or called one of those words in the title then make sure you feel that way first inside and that feeling will reach the outside.

A man loves a confident woman. No man wants a woman who shows her insecurities at every chance she gets whether its being upset about a friendship with the opposite sex to constantly downing yourself.

I have had this problem and many men have told me how hard it was for them to even try to love and care for me when I couldn't even love and care for myself.

So once your confidence is there then the next step you will be that "Sexy" woman that you would like to be....

Embrace yourself, imperfections and all...


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