Don't Sell Yourself Short

You deserve the best

That's what I keep telling myself

No one can take anything away from you that you don't allow them to take. Go after whatever you want and if you don't get it SO WHAT, then its "On to the next one" Ya dig?

Ok so you failed the first, get up and do it again. Why not? What do you have to lose? You already failed once....the second time wont hurt as much if you even fail the second time around....

And even if you do fail again SO WHAT, when you do attain that goal you been working so hard for that taste of success will taste much sweeter to you.

Never give up, never give in, and never sell your self short.

Know your worth and don't let anyone tell you anything different. You deserve everything that this world has to offer you. Now get up and go after it....


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