Love or Logic

....Do we know the difference between the two?

Sometimes when we fall for someone we forget all about logic and fall completely in love, and if that person is the one then falling head over heels for them isn't so bad


The problem arises when we fall for someone who is bad for you that's when we need to use logic...

Sometimes we need to learn when to use our head instead of our heart....our head is the logic that we need sometimes to see through the people that are trying to hurt us and the ones that are good for us...

Sometimes the signs are right in front of our face but we are too love ridden to even see how toxic they may be for us, trust me I was in one. I was so far head over heels no one could tell me anything about him, I never saw what everyone was telling me until I got all the proof that I needed right in front of my face....

Love can totally blind us, good or bad we still need to use logic in loving to ensure that we have the best possible experience in love that we can have....

Love or Logic, or Both...

I choose both, the next time that I choose to love someone completely, and openly, I want to be able to use my heart and my head...

Sometimes love is not a choice but you can choose how to love.

Love life...


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