Say A Little Prayer

Everyday that you awake is a day that God has provided for you so why don't you say a little prayer saying, "Thank You"

We are so quick to jump and say "OMG my life is soooo BAD..." but really think and look at the bigger picture.

Is your life truly as bad as you say? OR is it just not where you want it to be? IF that's the case then fix it. Stop complaining and just do it.

I have been through ALOT in my short life and when I think I have seen the worst something else happens....and then I realize that I didn't even have to wake up, I didn't have to have a job, car or a place to stay....

I have been homeless, I have wondered when is the next time that I will eat, I have sat and cried about being fired, I have seen abuse, alcoholism, etc... I have seen it all but through it all I am still alive and I have God to thank everyday for that.

So you may be busy, busy, busy BUT you are never to busy to take time out and say a little prayer....

Be thankful, be grateful, be humble and

Be Blessed :)


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