
Showing posts from June, 2010

Pretty, Gorgeous, Beautiful, Cute, Sexy...

.....What does all that mean? How do you define what makes someone, one of those names? Is it her lips, her curves, her hips, her hair? Is it how she dresses? Conservative or Sexy? Which do you prefer? Is the upkeep of herself? The way she walks? The way she talks? Is it the confidence that she exudes? Her swagger? For me I think that it is a mixture of everything. If you want to be considered or called one of those words in the title then make sure you feel that way first inside and that feeling will reach the outside. A man loves a confident woman. No man wants a woman who shows her insecurities at every chance she gets whether its being upset about a friendship with the opposite sex to constantly downing yourself. I have had this problem and many men have told me how hard it was for them to even try to love and care for me when I couldn't even love and care for myself. So once your confidence is there then the next step you will be that "Sexy" woman that you would lik...

You Cant

...Make people do things that they do not want to do... Sometimes people lie to you and there is nothing you can do about it... You cant change them, that is something they must do on their own... Yes, sometimes loved ones will let us down but we have to allow them to look at themselves to make changes... It hurts but its not our duty nor is it in our power to change them Our job is to love them and accept them and as hard as it maybe sometimes we have to realize that some of our loved ones need that tough love. When they see that we no longer depend on them or get mad when they bail on us they will see some of the damage that they have done and the changes will begin if they have not already. Be patient with them just as we would like them to be patient with us. It is not an easy process but it is a process. So take it for what it is....

What is it....

....that we are all searching for? What do you truly want out of life? Me? Happiness Something that I am sure many people share the same goal of attaining... But how does one find their happiness? And how does one know when they have achieved that goal? I'm not sure BUT what I do know is that I make steps everyday to find that happiness. -Take steps toward your career goal -Take steps toward where you want to be financially -Take steps toward fixing your romantic relationships if they are worth fixing -Take steps toward fixing broken friendships if you so desire -Take adventures -Do or try to do all the things that you have always dreamed up These are the things that I am doing in my "pursuit of happiness" I try to be a motivator and to inspire people. I try to speak for those who have no voice and lastly I try to provide people with words of wisdom from situations in life that I have went through. I feel like that is a part of what God has put me on this Earth to do and ...


I have made a vow to myself. A vow that I would not break another promise to myself ever again... I have a small diamond ring given to me by my mother that only fits on my ring finger and recently I have started to wear it as a symbol of all the things that I plan to do in my life and this endless circle on my finger will remind me of how I can not give up on myself. I want to never let myself down again like I had in the past... This is a new me, a fresh beginning, a way to say "I love you Rosemary" and mean it. There is so much that I want to do with my life and I know that I can do it all. So, I promise myself that I will promise to be good to me and to know my worth. I'm feeling really good about life right now even though everything is not where I want them, I know that with this promise, my faith, determination, focus and God I am going to achieve all of my dreams and goals that I have set for myself.

Love or Logic

....Do we know the difference between the two? Sometimes when we fall for someone we forget all about logic and fall completely in love, and if that person is the one then falling head over heels for them isn't so bad BUT The problem arises when we fall for someone who is bad for you that's when we need to use logic... Sometimes we need to learn when to use our head instead of our heart....our head is the logic that we need sometimes to see through the people that are trying to hurt us and the ones that are good for us... Sometimes the signs are right in front of our face but we are too love ridden to even see how toxic they may be for us, trust me I was in one. I was so far head over heels no one could tell me anything about him, I never saw what everyone was telling me until I got all the proof that I needed right in front of my face.... Love can totally blind us, good or bad we still need to use logic in loving to ensure that we have the best possible experience in love tha...

Father's Day

This is the 6th Father's Day that I have had to spend with without my father. My Dad died of throat cancer in April of 2004. Let me explain how burying a parent has to be one of the hardest things I have ever had to do in my life. I will never forget the day, well the night that I learned that my father was gone. It was a surreal moment, it was like time stopped. I felt like someone was lying to me. I felt like the breath in my lungs had been taken from my chest. I was my daddy's one and only little girl and we looked just alike just a different skin color. No matter what he did that others may have viewed as wrong he treated me like his little princess. What I regret the most is that in the months before I even knew he was sick we were out of touch with each other. He didn't have a stable place to live and I was a freshman in college. I should have reached out to him more but I didn't. Almost a year before he died him and my mom were both at my high school graduation...


Everyone has these, some you should try to get off your chest to make you feel better and some (as cliche as it sounds) are just better left unsaid.... A true secret is only a secret if it never leaves the lips of the ONE person whom it happened to originally... Once the "secret" leaves your lips, think about it, it is no longer a secret because someone else knows.....and that is okay If you truly do not want anyone else to know about something, then never open your mouth about it and it shall remain your secret... Usually people place lying and secrets together, you DON'T always have to lie to keep a secret....just let it be something that you prefer NOT to talk about. That is unless it is truly damaging, life threatening or life changing. That is when your morals come into play and you should allow them to guide you.... Secrets can destroy lives so when dealing with them make sure you proceed with caution... Love life...

Trying New Things...

I love to try new things because it allows me to learn to enjoy things, and learn to see the things that I may not enjoy as well. I like to keep busy because I believe an idle mind, and time can get you into trouble. And trouble is something that I do NOT want lol I feel like too much idle time is what gets people into trouble. They begin experimenting with things and next thing you know you are in trouble... Now on the the flip side idle time can be a good thing because it allows you to try and experience new things.... You never know what you might like if you never try it... Never been bowling? Try it...Always wanted to sky dive? Go for it. Why not? What do you have to lose? NOTHING So why are you still sitting there?! Find something to

Ever Feel Like...

....A let down? No matter what I do, with certain I always feel like a let down. Like I let them down in some kind of way or another.... I can be too much of a people pleaser at times, and sometimes that does more harm then good I usually end up exhausted or hurt trying to make others happy just to feel like a let down all over again... I need to find a way to shake this feeling, it has me in my feelings sometimes and even second guessing myself even when I know that I am right or when I know that I have done no wrong.... How do I move on from this point? How do I toughen up and stand my ground? How do I adjust my personality to be something that my heart is not use to doing? I am not sure yet BUT what I do know is that I have got to do something because I am over this feeling that I have at times... *Shrugs and creates emotional walls*

Don't Sell Yourself Short

You deserve the best That's what I keep telling myself No one can take anything away from you that you don't allow them to take. Go after whatever you want and if you don't get it SO WHAT, then its "On to the next one" Ya dig? Ok so you failed the first, get up and do it again. Why not? What do you have to lose? You already failed once....the second time wont hurt as much if you even fail the second time around.... And even if you do fail again SO WHAT, when you do attain that goal you been working so hard for that taste of success will taste much sweeter to you. Never give up, never give in, and never sell your self short. Know your worth and don't let anyone tell you anything different. You deserve everything that this world has to offer you. Now get up and go after it....

Say A Little Prayer

Everyday that you awake is a day that God has provided for you so why don't you say a little prayer saying, "Thank You" We are so quick to jump and say "OMG my life is soooo BAD..." but really think and look at the bigger picture. Is your life truly as bad as you say? OR is it just not where you want it to be? IF that's the case then fix it. Stop complaining and just do it. I have been through ALOT in my short life and when I think I have seen the worst something else happens....and then I realize that I didn't even have to wake up, I didn't have to have a job, car or a place to stay.... I have been homeless, I have wondered when is the next time that I will eat, I have sat and cried about being fired, I have seen abuse, alcoholism, etc... I have seen it all but through it all I am still alive and I have God to thank everyday for that. So you may be busy, busy, busy BUT you are never to busy to take time out and say a little prayer.... Be thankful, b...

Finding Yourself

Feeling lost? Feeling alone? Feeling like no one understands you? Well you are not alone. Everyone goes through this at some point...this is where you need to take the time out to find yourself. Just like becoming a better YOU, to find yourself one must look within... What are the things that make you happy? How often do you travel? Do you ever just stop and smell the roses? Do you even know your favorite color? If you cant answer these questions or others like these for yourself do you TRULY know yourself? Nope.... Now its time to find you, time to look within and appreciate yourself. Sometimes we carry alot on our shoulders, and we continuously take care of others but then forget about ourselves... The time is now to step back and take time for yourself to find yourself... How can one truly call themself happy if they dont even know who they are? Find that "Beautiful Bliss" within yourself, take that time to yourself to find the ultimate "YOU" This is something yo...

The Man In The Mirror

Want to become a better you? Take a look in the mirror first....find and write down your flaws, what you want to work on, what you can deal with, and what is not fixable.... Start with in and work on your confidence because once you are confident on the inside the little things you find wrong with you on the outside may not matter as much... No man or woman wants to date someone who don't love themselves Look in the mirror everyday and tell yourself how beautiful you are... You don't have to live up to the media's standards because those are false, there is so much touch up, and air brushing done on these celebrities unless we meet them we have no clue what they truly look like. And even they have issues from within which is why so many continue to go under the knife for surgery to fix things that never needed to be fix in the first place. If God made you that way and he is perfect, why would you want to change his creations? I have tattoos but they are not to make me ...

Success and Failure

What does it truly mean to be successful? Is it the cars? The money? Happiness? How many lovers you have? The house you live in? What did you have to do to reach the level of success you are at? Achieving success to me is reaching happiness...I am not saying that I have to be happy everyday because that is impossible but for me achieving my goals would be my happiness which equivalent to my success... I want to get my Masters, I want to teach, I want to be married, I want to have kids, and I want to pay my credit cards off. And all of these things are in the works right now except the marriage and kids. My success is NOT about the money, BUT my success will be based upon how hard I have worked to get to that point. My little brother recently got his grade card and needless to say it was a complete disaster...and I was very disappointed. I have tried everything and nothing is working to reach him. I want him to have everything in life that he wants but he has an excuse for everything. H...

Seeking Guidance

Guidance is defined as the act of guiding; direction; leadership, something that guides advice or assistance, as that given to students by vocational or educational counselors... We all need guidance at some point in our lives and don't be afraid to seek it for we can not make it thru this thing we call life alone.... God should be the first that you seek out for guidance to find the path in which he guides you to follow.... But sometimes we seek our friends to help to assist us along our path, which there is nothing wrong with that BUT... Not all of the advice and 'guidance' that we recieve from friends is the way that we should mindful of who you ask for help from...not all advice is good advice and even more so, sometimes the advice that may work for others may not fit what you are comfortable with doing and work for you. God is all you need but because of our hard-headed nature sometimes we search for more guidance... God is a teacher and if guidance is define...

I just really hope that

.....You think of me Decisions, decisions, decisions, when making decisions in your life do you realize that no matter how small whatever you decide will effect someone else? It is ok to think of others and truly think about your next move in life because of this reason alone. Good, bad or ugly no matter what you do some one will be effected by something you do or say. Most people don't think about this when making small trivial decisions but when you are a thinker like me and have made some mistakes because of your "big mouth" you start to think about every move you make because ultimately there will be a consequence for it. --Intermission-- Why do most people equate consequence to something negative? --Back to the program--- All I am saying is think about it before you do it because you never know what the outcome will be.... *Kanye Shrug*

Just Cause Your In Tha Ghetto

Some songs can just truly touch you as well as speak on the "reality of life" that people refuse to see and continue to cover up. Its sad because it is 2010 and the lyrics to "Brenda's Got A Baby" by Tupac still hold true .... "I hear Brenda's got a baby Well, Brenda's barely got a brain A damn shame, Tha girl can hardly spell her name (That's not her problem, that's up ta Brenda's family) Well let me show ya how it affects tha whole community" -So many people feel like other people's problem don't effect them because they are not a part of their family. Well guess what it can effect everyone. Its sad that our community is so willing to accept and cover up problems instead of trying to fix them. Why are we so afraid to snitch on people who have murdered our loved ones? What does that prove? Why are we afraid to consult the police and ask for help? It's not we are solving the problems on our own. "Now Brenda never re...

What Happened.... quality music Born in the 80's, grew up in the 90's on groups like Shai, Hi-Five, 112, Xscape, SWV, etc... Songs like "Quality Time" have lyrics that our youth should be hearing, like how to treat a woman instead of music these days about how to disrespect her or sex her like crazy... "She's playing hard to get, cause she likes me...." What happened to girls playing hard to get? Now everything is easy access....leave something to the imagination ladies and gents too.... "I spend quality time with you, I'll be right there for you...." Music has just changed so much. I am sitting here watching Hi-Five videos on YouTube reminiscing of the good times.... "The Kissing Game" is a classic and now kids are wanting to put you to "Bed" Don't get me wrong there are some songs that I myself enjoy but I am also 24 so I can handle the more inappropriate ones a little differently... What happened to times when songs hid the ...


Do you ever truly just sit and listen to what the artist is saying in the song...sometimes can be very poetic... Pay attention: "Finding my way back" by Jahiem Lights out,Sucker punch, striked out. Caught a love wave, Rode it then I wiped out. Two ships just passing in the night now, Offshore, looking for a light house. Reveal you said that it was painless, Down and out drowning in a sea of my anguish Funny, you always said hope floats. Comprehended but I can't cope "Pretty Wings" by Maxwell I came wrong you were right, Transformed your love into light, Baby believe me I'm sorry I told you lies, I turned day into night, Sleeping to die a thousand times, I should have showed you Better nights, Better times Better days, I've missed you more and more, Let love set you free, To fly your pretty wings around "Spoiled" by Joss Stone I'm spoiled, By your love boy, No matter how I try to change my mind, What's the point it's just a waste...

Where would I be with OUT my girls

Just a quick tribute to my closest female friends....


You dont need society's or no one else's approval on how you should live your life You should live you life in whatever way it makes you happy... To truly love someone you must love an imperfect person perfectly, flaws and all... Now thats unconditional.... At the end of the day those whom you changed for will not be there when you need them but those who were there from the beginning will be standing strong ready to be there for you once again without any type of approval... Who cares how much your house costs if you have no one to share it with? Whats a lonely life worth? A million dollars? Does that make you now important and have the ability to judge others? NO The only person who you need approval from is your SELF Self Satisfaction is key if you dont have that you dont have anything at all.....


Well guys and dolls I went out on a limb and told some one that I was crushing on them. That didn't work out to well but I am okay with that because I have learned from it. Infatuation, crushes, and love can come and go whats important is that you learn from it. When you begin to read people and gain knowledge as you get older you are able to see things that you may not have been able to see before. The best thing to do is if there is a friendship there to try and keep that friendship in tact. No worries another person will come by that you may find yourself crushing on ;)