
Why are there so many rules to dating?

Who created these rules?

If you are feeling someone, get their phone number, why do you have to wait so many days before you call them?

If you are interested in someone, why do you have to disguise what you feel? Sugar coat it? Hide it?

Does that not push people away? Does hiding your emotions help your love life? I think NOT

I do not like to play by the dating rules. I am a fan of just being honest and upfront and I try to do that all the time....

I feel like saying how I feel about something can be a blessing and a curse at the same time because I know some people are unable to handle the truth in certain subjects and one of those would be LOVE...

I feel like dating should not be a game, it should something in which you do with your mind, heart and soul once you have found that one who makes you feel special.

Sometimes you don't always find the "ONE" on the first try so you have to try again...

All I know is when you love, love with an open heart, love with an open mind, and love with an open eye....

I'm not saying be naive but sometimes you just have to follow your heart.....

Date on people....


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