What makes

....a good woman or a good man?

By whose standards do we say someone is good or bad?

Don't people usually look for different things in people to make them happy?
Isn't everyone different?

Someone today said that women need to look at themselves and what is considered to be a good woman before they start shouting about how they are a good woman....

But here is my dilemma. What about men? Do they NOT have to look at themselves before they call themselves a good man as well?

A friend of mine said that it is much harder for men to find a good woman than it is for a woman to find a good man and I beg to differ. I think both are equal. Society today is much different for my generation then it had been in the past therefor making it hard for BOTH sexes to find "good" mates that they are compatible with.

To me one is NOT greater than the other.


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