Emotional Rollercoaster

*singing* "Last night I cried, tossed and turned, woke up with dry eyes, my mind is racing, feet are pacing Lord help me. Please tell me what have I gotten into...I'm on an emotional roller coaster...."

Today was going well then I got a text that almost crushed me but I wont let it...

I have been through way TOO much to allow what others "THINK" they know about me to effect me...I am not perfect but I try to do right by everyone but sometimes at the end of the day it does nothing for me. I still get rocks thrown at me.

I have faith that God hasn't left my side but I do get weary and bogged down because I try to do right, to be positive, to be a good person and yet I still hurt.

I love me, I love who I have become, and I love the struggle I went to get there. And although I wish I could change people I can not. You can not judge a book by its cover nor believe all of what you hear because "word of mouth" can get so jumbled and messed up its hardly ever true....

I am hoping that "he" is willing to accept me flaws and all and "he" says that he is we shall see...

Then I saw something else that literally made me sick to my stomach, if I could only read minds I would know what it truly means but I don't want to argue so I am trying to move beyond it....

Not sure what the future has in store for me but I am willing to embrace whatever it is because although I am not perfect I work hard for EVERYTHING and for that I am PROUD of myself. With God by myself I can achieve whatever I want in life.

Stay positive. Stay focused. Not even love will knock me off my road to success....


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