Bad Romance

"I want your ugly, I want your disease. I want your everything As long as it’s free I want your love"

Its funny how you begin to fall for someone.... and when things really begin to get deep between you all and sometimes it gets to a point to where they almost can do no wrong....

Thats what I like to call a bad romance...

"Can I save you from you cause you know there's something missing....starting to feel like the wrong thing to do...."

Jamie Foxx and Drake hit home with the track "Fall For Your Type" most people whether they want to admit it or not fall for the same type of people and then you end up in that bad romance again...

I honestly have no advice on this topic because this is something that I am trying to work through myself... The new boo is different then those in the past very patient yet I am difficulty treating him different, the way he should be treated because of my past...

We shall see what happens...

*fingers crossed*


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