We competed at UCA Nationals on Saturday, January 15 th and we are currently ranked 7 th in the nation in All-Girl Division II... NEXT We will be competing on February 19 th and 20 th at JamFest Nationals at the Kansas City Convention Center....come out and support Avila Cheer... Don't be surprised when we take home the national title... Cheer, cheer, cheer.....I know that you guys know that this is my passion.... Well right now I am living in limbo waiting to hear the outcome of a very BIG decision.... The current Head Coach is stepping down and guess who wants to step up? Yep. You guessed it. Me... Keep me in your prayers and we shall see what happens.... This team has made it through a lot this year and I am very proud of them because they continue to work through all of the issues that are being thrown at them... Love you guys....Seriously.