
You have been hurt, lied to, and felt the pain of a broken heart but that does not mean that you can get back to being the you use to be.

You can be happy again if you allow yourself to be happy again...

It was said best in "Madea's Family Reunion", "Let's be honest all men come for something.....well some men come to restore..."

When you find a man who truly loves you and wants to be the man who loves you and only you he has come to restore you back to the woman you used to be, he has come to restore that smile to your face, he has come to restore the happiness in your life that you use to feel....

It doesn't have to be a man who restores you, it can be something that you can do on your own BUT the key here is that YOU, yes YOU, yourself have to really want it. So go after your happiness restore that feeling you once felt about YOU....

At the end of the day the ONLY thing that matters is your happiness so make sure that you are happy....

Its okay for you to sometimes re-visit those old feelings or memories but do not dwell there, it is an unhealthy spot....


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