
Showing posts from December, 2011


WOTD: New, tonight we celebrate a new year. With that u have the chance of bringing in a new u. New can be good or bad, let's choose good.


WOTD: Jealous, spending your time being jealous of what someone wide has won't get you what you desire. Just wastes time, go get it yourself


WOTD: Simple, dont over complicate simple things in life. Take some stuff at face value. When u over analyze it usually messes something up


WOTD: Forgive, to forgive is not for the other person its for u. As long as u hold they have the power to always upset u. Time to let go.


WOTD: Reason, the reason for the season is more than just the giving of gifts. It's about showing love, being grateful, & appreciating life


WOTD: Love, love comes in many forms & it comes when u least expect it. When its real its real. I've seen love grow its a beautiful thing


WOTD: Smile, u may have woke up angry but smile. Remember no matter how low u sink things could always be worse. U didn't gave to wake up


WOTD: Attention, everyone wants attention from somewhere but all attention isn't good & too much can turn into something else. Be aware.


WOTD: Time, time isn't promised to any of us. Don't keep putting off for tomorrow what u can do today. Enjoy it for tomorrow is a surprise


WOTD: Basket, don't put all your eggs into 1 basket. That basket may break & where is your back up plan? I'm not speaking on love just life


WOTD: Buy,u can't buy love & happiness. Nothing wrong w/enjoying the fruits of ur labor but there is more than money that can make u happy.


WOTD: Compromise, in any relationship 1 must learn to compromise. You won't always agree, so its best to try & find a happy middle ground.


WOTD: Volunteer, being able to volunteer your time to others who need it is a blessing. Give back put a smile on a face...


WOTD: Have, some times you have to do what you have to take care of yourself or family. When life hits you may sacrifice pride to keep going


WOTD: Break, its ok to take a break. You can only push yourself as far as your body will allow. It will let you know when its had enough.


WOTD: Consistent, consistency can take u far if used properly. U can be consistent in not being dependable OR u can be the 1 others count on


WOTD: Happy, u can't make everyone happy its impossible so stop. The 1 u need to make happy is u. If ur not happy, u can't make others happy


WOTD: Practice, practice what u preach. Don't look down upon someone when u are doing the same thing. Yea you stink too. Clean it up.


WOTD: Super, you're not super human so no need to go above & beyond for someone that's not doing the same. Go that route & be super for you.


WOTD: Dream, dream as big as u want. U might fall but get back up & be patient they dream will come true in due time. Whenever you're ready


WOTD: Give, tis the season to give. There are local charities in need of your donation. Help out someone who is less fortunate than yourself


Today' s WOTD is dedicated to a local designer named Vanne and a friend of mine. WOTD: Vanne, vanne means u have drive, ambition & to be creative. Set a goal & get ur Vanne on. Be creative & use ambition to make it happen


WOTD: Credit, give credit when it is due. It will backfire when u say u did all the work when u didn't. No harm in saying, "I had help"


WOTD: Cry, crying is not a form of weakness it is a way to release some anger. If you wanna cry then cry. It can help you feel better.


WOTD: Victim, playing the victim is like the boy who cried wolf. When you need help no1 will believe you. Don't start things & then cry wolf


WOTD: Know, a lot of times you know exactly what you are getting yourself into so don't act surprise when the consequences come. No mystery


WOTD: Standard, with everything you do in life have a standard for it. By looking for it to meet your expectation you can see the flaws. So if they meet your standards AND you can accept their flaws then it sounds like a winner...