For Colored Girls....

I recently went to the movies to see the Tyler Perry rendition of "For Colored Girls" and I must say that I was impressed with the movie. The monologues were deep, emotional and poetic. My only dilemma is that so many young black girls that saw Tyler Perry's name and assumed Madea. They were disappointed in the movie, angry and making statements that they had wasted their money on this "sh*t" as they put it. This movie was something that I thought that a lot of young black girls should see. They can only learn from the movie if they were to go in with an open mind. It upsets me that so many of our young girls are so ignorant, uneducated and not ready to experience different forms of entertainment.

Our young women need our help these days. Our youth is our future, if we do not help guide them in the right direction then who will?

I want people to know and understand that Tyler Perry is NOT the originator of "For Colored Girls". The Author is Ntozake Shange and the complete title is "For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When The Rainbow Is Enuf" (the book cover is above).

A lot of the people I follow on Twitter downed the movie before they even saw it because of Tyler Perry's name, especially a lot of my male followers. However those who have seen the movie enjoyed it and understood it.

I only hope that some how we reach our youth. They need us.


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