Have You Ever Tried....

Sleeping with a broken heart, well you can try sleeping in my bed....

"When your dreaming with a broken heart, the waking up is the hardest part...."

Love comes and love goes but one must be open to the pain that may or may not come with falling in love with someone.

With hurt comes a lesson learned, take the experience for what it is....A Lesson

Everything happens for a reason

When you get so hurt and feel like you cant go on after your "loved" one has left you or you all broke up for whatever reason remember who you were before them and understand that you can be that person again and better yet you can be a better version of yourself.

Life is meant for us to learn from so take it for what its worth and expand

Love is the ulitmate thing that we yearn for but even if you think you have the worst luck ever in the dating game just know that your time will come when its your time. It reminds me of what people say about God, "He doesnt always come when you want him BUT he is ALWAYS right on time...." this can be used for Love as well. Love will come when you least expect it and when you need it the most.

These go so well together because God is Love. Remember that.

Enjoy :)


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