
Showing posts from February, 2012


WOTD: Keep, don't go broke trying to keep up w/others. Do what u can and if u still don't fit in with the masses oh well. Keep true to u


WOTD: Lose, we all want to make a name for yourselves but don't lose yourself in the process. Don't lose the "you" that got you fame.


WOTD: Support, when u give support it is returned to u. Now u don't have to support but understand it may not be returned if u don't


WOTD: Team, there is no "i" in team so when u work on a team of ppl u may or may not like u have to put aside the petty 4 the greater good


WOTD: Veracity, means to conform to the truth & accuracy. Basically, you should keep the facts straight & don't steer away from the truth.


WOTD: Humility, humility means to be modest. It is being humble. No need to boast about the good u do. Trust ppl notice it w/o bragging


WOTD: Honesty, honesty is the best policy. Whether u decide to tell the truth now or later the pain or good it causes will remain the same.


WOTD: Patience, have patience for ppl & circumstances. Ever notice that when u get what you've been waiting for it came at THE best time?


WOTD: Complain, don't sit around & continue to complain about things u have the power to change. Complaining does nothing. Get up & fix it


WOTD: Allow, u allow what has an effect on u. U can either let everything upset u OR can decide what truly is worth u being upset about.


WOTD: Life, life happens no better way to explain it. Even when u steer ur life a certain direction things will happen out of ur control.


WOTD: Recovery, when life hits u hard its important to begin the recovery process. U can always make it thru. Define the problem & go forth


WOTD: Friend, friend is a term being used too loosely. A true friend is one u never have to worry about. They keep u close to their heart


WOTD: Focus, want good results? Learn to focus on one thing at a time. Have tunnel vision if you get distracted easily it helps. Focus!


WOTD: Another, u ever want another chance, go another round? Don't give up,give it another shot. Try attacking life from another angle.


WOTD: Love, although u should do it everyday, take today to tell someone u love them. Appreciate the love while u are still able to do so


WOTD: Wolf, don't be the boy who cried wolf. The moral of the story is no one will help when u really need it. Be honest the first time


WOTD: Refill, when u feel drained & you've had enough its time for a refill. Refill your life w/whatever keeps u pushing. Refill please?


WOTD: Practice, practice makes perfect. There is usually a level of discomfort when we do things that are unfamiliar. Practice, it may help


WOTD: Thanks, a simple thank u can do wonders & shows appreciation. Be thankful, be grateful, be humble. Never be too proud to say thank u


WOTD: Ignorance, is ignorance truly bliss? Is being unaware the best option? I believe knowledge is power. I'd rather know all then nothing


WOTD: Leave, if someone wants to leave let them. It is dang near impossible to make someone stay where they don't want to be. See ya.


WOTD: Body, ur body is one way to communicate, it gives off what u are thinking or feeling w/o u knowing it. Be careful of what it says


WOTD: More, wanting more than u can handle can lead to stress, stress makes things worse. Think about what u can handle, cut back if needed


WOTD: Competition, a little friendly competition keeps you on your toes. Don't be afraid to meet the challenge. Show them what you got.


#WOTD: Nervous, nervous is just a feeling. The best part about nervous is the relief you feel when the feeling is gone. It's just a feeling


WOTD: Cool, what is cool? Are you cool? I believe cool is what you make it. I'm all for being cool, calm & collected. Cool is you.