
Showing posts from May, 2010

Word of the Day

Today's Word of the Day is Content , are you content with your life?! Understand that content does not always equal happiness. If this is you then make moves to become a person who is happy. For instance I am not content with where my life is right now so I am making strides to taking my life where I want it to be. Again life is what you make it. Make it a happy one. ;) Be Blessed....

Word of the Day

Today's Word of the Day is Control, learn self control and be able to tell yourself no to avoid getting yourself in situations that you may not be able to get out of later.... Understand that learning some self restraint can only help you in more ways then one... Control can take you a long way whether its controlling your anger, sex drive, or what you eat...all of these can help you to become a better you if that is what you desire.... Be Blessed today....

Random Thought

You guys can say what you wish about Chris Brown, and argue over whether or not he is sorry for hitting Rihanna.... But in my eyes that young man has a talent that not many people have these days... Sucks that he was unable to control his temper because that situation will effect the outcome of his career but it is undeniable how talented he is... Sorry I just watched the "No Bull Sh*t" Video for the third time and *whew.....wipes sweat off forehead* that young man did well and put on a show as he always does.... I hope that he is truly sorry for what he did and that he learned from it. I am still a fan and that young man is still FINE!!! Sorry that is my random thought of the day :) Lol


Anger is an emotion that we have every right to experience but what we should not do is dwell in that anger for too long. It takes too much energy to be angry with someone and for what? What does it do for you? They are sitting there feeling nothing while you cry your heart out and is ready to tear their ish up. Not worth it not even one little bit. Get your cry out, write down your feelings, take a run, take a drive, do whatever you have to do to get it out but do not let it dwell inside you because then you are only hurting yourself. If people are talking about you then you must be doing something right, try not to let it bother you. LIFE HAPPENS AND IT MOVES ON...and so should you.... This is a lesson that I am taking from myself, everyday I want to take a step in the right direction... Being positive and happy is a much better feeling then anger, negativity, and bitterness... Love life and don't let people tear you down

Word of the Day

Todays Word of the Day is Accomplish , finish what you start and have a sense of accomplishment for the projects you take under your wings. No one wants to work with someone who never finishes any thing. You will feel proud once you have finished so find some motivation to do so... "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily."~ Zig Ziglar

Have You Ever Tried....

Sleeping with a broken heart, well you can try sleeping in my bed.... "When your dreaming with a broken heart, the waking up is the hardest part...." Love comes and love goes but one must be open to the pain that may or may not come with falling in love with someone. With hurt comes a lesson learned, take the experience for what it is....A Lesson Everything happens for a reason When you get so hurt and feel like you cant go on after your "loved" one has left you or you all broke up for whatever reason remember who you were before them and understand that you can be that person again and better yet you can be a better version of yourself. Life is meant for us to learn from so take it for what its worth and expand Love is the ulitmate thing that we yearn for but even if you think you have the worst luck ever in the dating game just know that your time will come when its your time. It reminds me of what people say about God, "He doesnt always come when you want hi...

Been missing...

I haven't posted anything in the past 4 day because I have been celebrating a really close friends birthday and we had a great time starting on Thursday and ending last night, but its not quite done yet because we also have to day goodbye to another dear friend who is leaving for the Navy on the 2nd of June. It feels really good to have such a strong friend base around me especially when the family base is weaker then normal. I enjoy creating connections with people and for some reason they easily open up to me. I will be updating soon just wanted to let you know that I had not forgotten about you :)

Word of the Day

Today's Word of the Day: Knowledge, it is very important to me to expand my knowledge and to learn as much as I can absorb. Education is one thing that we sometimes do not take advantage of but is very important in our lives. We can expand our knowledge base through, experience and education that will help us in our everyday life. Common sense, street sense, and book smarts can make us well rounded. Learn in class and learn in life and use the two to succeed. Be Blessed :)

Word of the Day

Word of the Day: Consideration, before making a big decision consider all the factors and how it may effect others, because whatever decision you make whether you know it or not effects someone else. PS Sorry I forgot the word of the day yesterday. Busy day. Enjoy :)

Word of the Day

Today's Word of the Day: Maturity, have the maturity to know when you are wrong and be able to admit. I know sometimes we do not like being incorrect but it takes maturity to know when you are wrong and to learn from it. Mature allows us to gain wisdom as well. Find a way to use this word today. :) Be Blessed.

What's The Purpose

If all you do in life is hurt people intentionally what fulfillment do you gain from that? It makes me wonder how the mind of these type of people work. I can not wrap my mind around the thought of intentionally hurting someone. My heart is too big for that Call it a weakness or whatever you please but even when I unintentionally hurt someone it probably bothers me more then it does them. God gave me a purpose in life and to me I believe it has a lot to do with my heart and my kindness Sometimes people need that kindness to make their day better You never know how a simple smile from someone perhaps a stranger can change someones day I know I may sound like a hippie speaking on love and peace but to me its just the right way Now don't get me wrong I don't LIKE everyone I meet but on the flip side just because I don't like them or disagree with their view doesn't mean I need to go OUT of my way to hurt them What is the point? The purpose? Why waste that energy on this in...

Word of the Day

On my Twitter and Facebook pages, I provide a word of the day as some sort of motivation or inspiration to my followers, friends and now my blog readers. Today's Word of the Day: Laughter, find something to laugh at, it can make a bad day turn good :)

Cheer Is My Passion

Coaching Cheerleading is one of the things in my life that keep me sane and keep me going its my passion.... I Coach at 3 different levels: College, High School, and Elementary and I love every minute of it Even days where practice it is all worth it for me and forming bonds on those girls is a PLUS!!! I enjoy that they look up to me... Pics: High School Squad, 3rd and 4th Grade Squad, and College Squad...


It is very clear that our youth of the day is in dire need of positive influences in their life so ask yourself what you are you doing to help them out or do you even care? I DO These kids are our future and they will be running our country when are older so why would you NOT care? I intend to help the Kansas City, MO youth as much as possible they need it. Make a difference, I know I am going to try..... Random Thought At The Moment


So here's the deal when crushing on someone what is the best thing to do? Especially when they are starting to JUST look at you as a friend? Well a friend once told me if you dont want to be put in the "Friend Box" you better open your mouth. Momma always said closed mouths dont get feed and its a very true statement indeed. Whats the worse that could happen? Rejection happens to us often its just that some people can handle certain types of rejection that others cant. I had a crush and a little birdie told me to go for it so I did.... And now well I took that leap of faith and I will have to let you all know how that goes later ;) Its not just a "school" thing to crush on someone you can crush at any age so dont be ashamed to admit when you are feeling someone, its human nature and nature has told us that we were not made to be alone. From the Biology stand point...well we have to reproduce and since we are not Asexual we need a partner and From the Religious a...

Mobile Blogging

Testing this mobile blogging out to see how if it works or not. Good Morning world keep a positive mind and clear head when pursuing your dreams :)

What's Your Passion?

If you are going through life unhappy, find something that is fulfilling to you. Why go through life being okay with mediocrity? Have a passion for something Everyone has something that they enjoy to do so why not go after it As long as it is something you love you shall be happy I love coaching cheer and even when the girls upse me its okay because it is my outlet from other stresses Why go to a job everyday that you hate? Some do it for the money But I only have one life to live so I am going for what makes me happy everyday... When I die I will be unable to take these material posessions with me Live for today... Thrive... Enjoy... LOVE...


Today I took my last final of my first semester of Graduate School and I am feeling like a champ. Its weird because I am busier in grad school then I was in undergrad and my grades are better. I guess what they say is true with age comes wisdom. In my case at least I cant speak for everyone. Everyday is a day to grow and learn from the previous day. Today is a gift thats why we call it the "present"....Anywho just my tid-bit for the day I will be back later.... :)


Feeling a bit out of the loop and the box here lately....and I am getting tired of always being the homie with every male... *sigh* I just would really like for someone to just want me one day... I feel like I am just as pretty and worthy as other girls but I dont recieve the same treatment I wish I knew why I always get the short end of the stick... Some of friends truly gets treated like a lady and they dont appreciate it. If I was being treated like that I would have no complaints.... I just want for once in my life I would like for a man to treat me wonderful like that Just my quick feelings for the day..

The Fab Five

This is my crew having fun as usual...another random night with us....enjoy your life I try to :)