
Showing posts from March, 2012


WOTD: Zone, when you're focused & in ur zone u can create your best work. Dont have a zone yet? Find it. When u do it'll be hard to stop u


WOTD: Discipline, its difficult to lead a discipline life when others close to u arent. Be discipline in doing what's best for u not others


WOTD: Least, when you least expect it something major will happen good or bad. You can't prepare for it but you can work through it. :-)


WOTD: Work, work is a necessity to maintain ur lifestyle but don't work so much that u are unable to enjoy life. Life is supposed to be fun


WOTD: Expose, the fastest way to learn about the world is to expose urself. Exposure is a hands-on way to learn about the world we live in


WOTD: Think, really think about ur actions. Every action has an equal but opposite reaction. Be careful & think ur actions effect others


WOTD: Grateful, be grateful that you were able to wake up today. Someone didn't get that chance. No matter how bad it gets it could be worse


WOTD: Friend, a true friend is someone you don't have to talk to everyday but every time you get back together its like time stood still


WOTD: Try, have you tried something new today? Have u tried to do something you thought u couldn't do? Well today should be the day u try


WOTD: Dependent, dont be so dependent on others that u are unable to function alone. Its ok to have ppl to depend on but learn INDEPENDENCE


WOTD: Do, when u do what u love the pay doesn't matter as much. When u do what u love u are happy to go to work. Angry? Find a career u love


WOTD: Prove, the reality is some times you have to prove yourself to ppl. The problem is having to constantly prove yourself w/one person


WOTD: Battle, remember you don't have to win every battle to win the war. Pick the battles you want to fight. Some just aren't worth it.


WOTD: Celebrate, life is worth celebrating so take time and enjoy it every chance you get. Celebrate St. Patricks Day today but be safe :)


WOTD: Avoid, don't avoid problems, attack your problems head on. Avoid them now but they will only hit you harder later. Go ahead attack


WOTD: Time, time waits for no one. So take advantage I'd the time you have because once its gone its gone. Can't replace time. Wish I could


WOTD: Normal, how do u define normal? With everyone trying to be different, does normal still exist? Normal to me depends on the situation


WOTD: Wait, good things come to those who wait. It may not come when u want it to but it is always right on time. So wait for that blessing


WOTD: Win, whats the point of winning if you're afraid to lose? The best winners are those who've been defeated. Learn & come back stronger


WOTD: Complain, until u take action on a matter how much weight does ur complaint hold? Not much. Dont complain unless you're ready to work


WOTD: Business, if u want your business to remain your business then its best to keep it to yourself. That's the only way it remains yours


WOTD: Over, when something is over let it be over its over for a reason. This provides an opportunity to start fresh, to start over.


WOTD: Hustle, money makes the world go 'round. Find a legit hustle that uses your natural talent to get the money that satisfies you.


WOTD: Single, if u have been single for awhile understand that it is because there is something u need to work on before u commit.


WOTD: Observe, I'm all for observing your surroundings and being aware of what's going on. Picking up on the small things can be helpful


WOTD: Health, don't work yourself so much that your health declines. Be healthy. Remember when your body feels good u will feel the change


WOTD: Raise, raise ur kids to become a productive member of society. Don't allow our youth to slip thru the cracks. They are our future